2024 WASSCE English Language and General Agriculture Questions To Watch

2024 WASSCE General Agriculture Questions

2024 WASSCE English Language and General Agriculture Questions To Watch as the examination draws closer and closer. While English language is a core subject, General Agriculture is an elective subject for Agric students.


General Agriculture Questions for WASSCE 2024 Candidates

(1.(a)(i)What is communal land tenure system?
(ii)Enumerate six problems associated with the communal system of land tenure.
(b)(i)Explain the term agricultural development.
(ii)Outline five problems that hinder the attainment of self-sufficiency in food production in your country

(2.(a)State three advantages and three disadvantages of wind power.
(b)(1) What is a tractor?
(ii)List five uses of the tractor
(c)Give one function of each of the following parts of the disc plough:
(ii)disc scraper
(iii)furrow wheel

(3.(a)Explain how each of the following soil physical properties affect
plant growth:
(i)Soil texture
(ii)Soil structure
(iii)Soil water.
(b)Discuss three factors that affect the use of fertilizers


(4.(a)What is soil and water conservation?
(b)Outline the roles of each of the following practice in soil and water conservation
(i)Green manuring;
(c)(i)Give four functions of phosphorus in plant growth,
(ii)Describe two symptoms associated with the deficiency of
phosphorus in the soil.

(5.(a)Discuss four factors that influence the choice of a farm site,
(b)(i)Distinguish between cutting and layering in plant propagation.
(ii)List four factors that affect the rooting of cuttings

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(6.(a) State four characteristics of good quality seeds.
(b)Outline the importance of the following aspects of seed plantation inthe field:
(i)time of planting:
(ii)depth of planting.
(c)Enumerate four advantages of pruning in tomato cultivation

(7.(a)Give five reasons for providing suitable housing for livestock
(b)(i)What is culling in poultry production?
(ii)Mention four benefits derived from culling in a flock of commercial layer chicken.
(c)Suggest five measures a farmer could take to prevent and control diseases in sheep.


(8.(a)With the aid of a suitable diagram, describe the process of digestion in ruminants.
(b)Explain why cattle are able to utilize more fibrous feeds than pigs.
(c)List four aims of animal improvement

(9.(a)What is labour in agricultural production?
(b)Explain four factors that affect the supply and efficiency of
agricultural labour.
(c)Outline the importance of capital in agricultural production

(10.(a)State four characteristics of agricultural extension education.
(b)Discuss four problems that hinder agricultural extension in your country.
(c)Explain the following agricultural extension methods.
(i)Farm and home visits;
(ii)Agricultural shows.



English Language Questions for WASSCE 2024 Candidates


Read the following passage carefully and answer, in your own words as far as possible, the questions on it.

Advertisements are so common that there is never a day when we do not meet them. We find them in newspapers, on roadsides, and even on buses and trains. We are also bombarded with them on the radio and television. In fact, we have become so accustomed to them that it would be very strange to wake up one morning and find that they have all disappeared. Advertising by manufacturers on a large scale occurs in countries where free enterprise leads to competition and competition to advertising.

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In countries where the state controls production, however, there is no fierce competition since there are very few brand names and particularly no choice of articles. In these circumstances most of the brand names are well known.

If there is, for example, only one brand of toothpaste, why advertise it? Competition, indeed, makes manufactures spend so much money on advertising that they often have to increase the price of the products considerably to recover the advertising costs.

However, this raises the selling price of such mass-produced articles by only an insignificant amount. Advertisements, the result of competition, do have a useful function of giving information. Of course, people often complain that, with all their exaggerations, half-truths and distorted facts, advertisements misinform rather than inform.

But do any of us actually believe all we are told in an advertisement? Are we really persuaded that a particular soap washes best of all or that one kind of oil cooks more nutritious food than any other? information from advertisements. All of us have at one time or the other been helped to find a product we were looking for through seeing it advertised. And when we read a whole range of advertisements for similar products, we are at least, informed that we have a choice People sometimes argue that, by their advertisements, manufacturers make them buy things they do not really want.

But how can they force us into doing this? Of course, advertisements may sometimes induce us to but articles we did not want before we read about them, but we are always at liberty to refuse to buy a particular product. In any case, the desire for the advantages supposed to be derived from the articles, for example, greater prestige, comfort, popularity, and enjoyment must have already existed in us or we would not have purchased them. In fact, when advertisements suggest new possibilities for improving our lives, they may actually help to better society as a whole.

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a) In three sentences, one for each, state the disadvantages of advertisements to buyers.

b) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the benefits of advertisements

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2024 WASSCE English Language Essay Questions. 

  1. Write a letter to the president of Ghana explaining any three challenges confronting Free SHS students in Ghana at school.
  2. As the leader of the Green Earth club in your school, write a letter to the Accra Zoo outlining the dangers of loose animals in our communities and what they can do to help.
  3. You are the senior prefect of your school, and you were selected to read a speech on behalf of your school prefect at a career guidance conference for SHS students. Write a speech on the importance of knowing your career preference before graduating from senior high school.
  4. Write a story that explains, “Karm is always true indeed.”
  5. Narrate an interesting story to your friends in school that ends with “We promised never to do that again.”.

One response to “2024 WASSCE English Language and General Agriculture Questions To Watch”

  1. Benedicta Ofori-Atta Avatar

    Education news consult.com thanks for what you have been sharing with us

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