About Us

About Us: Education-News Consult

Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures

At Education-News Consult, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive services that bridge the gap between education, examination excellence, and insightful consultancy. Our multifaceted approach ensures that we cater to the diverse needs of students, educators, and educational institutions. Here’s a glimpse into our core services:

Professional Examination Services

Our professional examination services are designed to support students in achieving their academic goals. We specialize in:

  • BECE and WASSCE Preparation: We offer expert guidance and resources to help students excel in their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). Our strategies are tailored to boost confidence and performance.
  • Mock Examinations: Our mock exams simulate real exam conditions, providing students with valuable practice and insights into their readiness. This service includes detailed feedback and performance analysis.
  • Examination Question Setting: With over 25 years of experience in student assessment reporting and examination question setting, we ensure that our questions are aligned with the latest curriculum and standards. We specialize in crafting questions that test critical thinking, case study analysis, and knowledge application.

Professional Consultancy

Our consultancy services are geared towards enhancing educational outcomes and institutional effectiveness. We offer:

  • Educational Consultancy: We provide expert advice to schools and educational organizations on curriculum development, teacher training, and student assessment. Our goal is to foster an environment where both educators and students thrive.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: We assist educational institutions in analyzing and interpreting academic performance data. This service helps in identifying strengths and areas for improvement, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  • Project Management: We support educational projects from conception to execution. Whether it’s developing new programs or managing existing initiatives, our expertise ensures successful project outcomes.

Cutting-Edge Education News

Stay informed with the latest developments in the education sector through our education news services. Our offerings include:

  • Timely News Updates: We provide up-to-date news on education policies, trends, and innovations. Our coverage includes local and international education news, ensuring you stay informed about the broader educational landscape.
  1. Our Education News Sites:
  2. Ghanaeducation.org
  3. Ghanaeducationnews.org
  4. Examhall.org (Mock and Termly Result Portal
  5. Educationblog.org


  • In-Depth Articles and Blogs: Our team of experienced writers and educators produces insightful articles and blog posts on a range of educational topics. From tips for students to professional development for teachers, our content is designed to engage and inform.
  • Special Features: We delve into pressing issues in education, offering expert analysis and perspectives. Our special features aim to provoke thought and inspire action among educators, policymakers, and the wider community.

At Education-News Consult, we are committed to “Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures.” Our holistic approach combines expert examination services, professional consultancy, and cutting-edge education news to create a vibrant educational ecosystem. Join us in our mission to elevate education standards and unlock the potential of every learner.