This Is An Ultimate Guide On How To Get Funding For Higher Education In Developing Countries As An International. These Steps Should Be Followed Carefully In Order To Achieve Any Form Of Funding You Desire.
Studying abroad is the desire of almost all international students, but where do they start from? How do they secure funding when there is no scholarship available? Don’t be weary, in this article, I have listed some basic and easy steps on how to get funding for higher education.
Higher education is a vital drive point in a students’ life, it’s a point that determines the career of a student. Higher education is important for social development and that of inner economic growth. Although, almost every student have access to pre-school and secondary education, gaining admission for a higher education is a worry to some students from lesser homes.
These students are denied access to higher education due to financial problems. If you fall in this category or not, this article is mainly for you, as I have stated some possible ways to get funding for higher education in developing countries. Developing countries have a relatively low standard of living, and flexible available funding options for all international students.
How To Get Funding For Higher Education In Developing Countries
Below are some key steps on how to get funding for higher education:
1. Government scholarships and Grants
Although some schools may not provide direct scholarships to students, there are available government scholarships and grants for international students to apply for. Although, there are certain criteria you need to meet before you can be accepted or given a grant.
Additionally, programs like Erasmus+ from the European Union provides full funding for international students to live and study in different European countries. The Erasmus+ covers the tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs. You will need your official academic transcript, personal statement, and letters of recommendation as well. Again, government international scholarships like, Chevening, Fulbright, and Commonwealth Scholarships offer financial assistance to international students to study abroad.
2. Student Loans
Student loans are also a form of securing funding for higher education in developing countries. Normally, these student loans are offered by the government or approved financial institutions. Students are to repay their loans once they graduate and secure employment. Payment for these student loans are flexible and stress-free. An example is the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) in Kenya that provides loans to students to pursue higher education. Before you can secure a student loan, you will need to provide a valid admission letter, academic records, and guarantor.
3. Work and Study Program
Lastly, the work and study program is also a great way to secure funding for higher education. These programs are available in European countries as they provide students with the opportunity to earn an income while they study as well. These programs are offered by the universities or colleges that involve part-time campus employment or with affiliated institutions.
In order to participate in this program, you will need to apply directly through the university’s financial aid office. You will have to demonstrate or show financial need upon applying. Once, accepted, you will be required to work for a number of hours each week. Earnings will be used to cover your tuition fee. The Federal government of the United States have this program in place for all students with financial issues.
Securing funding for higher education in European countries may be a tougher and demanding thing to do, but in the long run it’s worth it
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