20 WASSCE 2024 History Sample Questions for Candidates

WASSCE 2024 History Sample Questions

We have shared 20 WASSCE 2024 History Sample Questions for Candidates to solve.

All General Arts students who will be writing the history paper during WASSCE 2024 are required to solve the following sample questions:.

Candidates should follow the following steps for each question to ensure a well-prepared response:

  1. Read and understand the questions and their requirements.
  2. Well, brainstorm the question.
  3. Jot down all the points you will explain to be able to answer the questions fully.
  4. Develop and craft a compelling introduction for the essay you will write as an answer.
  5. Expand and develop each point, and support it with facts and examples that are relevant to the points raised.
  6. Check your work by reading through it to correct any errors, Read through your work. Reading through will also allow you to update your answers with any missing facts.

The questions can also be used as discussion topics or questions among your peers. Discussing with other candidates will benefit each member, as you will learn new answers and better ways to answer questions from your colleagues.

You can also get useful WASSCE mocks for revision here – >>>WASSCE MOCKS

Here are the 20 WASSCE 2024 History Sample Questions for Candidates.

Let us now take a careful look at the questions.

History Trails for Students

Question 1: Explain the methods used in collecting data for writing African history.

Question 2: Explain the importance and source of history.

Question 3: Discuss the key role Egypt played in the spread of Christianity and Islam.

Question 4: Discuss the main features of the Swahili civilisation.

Question 5: In an essay, trace the origins of the major ethnic groups in Ghana.

Question 6: Identify and explain the main states and kingdoms formed in pre-colonial Ghana.

Question 7: What are the main features of a centralised political system?

Question 8: Explain any four (4) main features of a centralised political system.

Question 10: Is traditional medicine still relevant to the health needs of Ghanaians? Discuss

Question 11: Outline the five (5) effects of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on Ghana.

Question 12: What four roles did early nationalist organizations and individuals play in the country’s political development? Discuss.

Question 13: Explain the circumstances leading to the fall of Kwame Nkrumah in 1966.

Question 14: Discuss any four effects of Kwame Nkrumah’s fall in 1966 on Ghana’s development.

Question 15: Outline the benefits Ghana derives from her membership in international bodies.

Question 16: What led to the overthrow of Nkrumah in 1996? Discuss.

Question 17: Discuss the primary changes in the country’s social life under colonial rule.

Question 18: Discuss the effects of the European presence in local politics.

Question 19: Describe the main economic activities in pre-colonial Ghana.

Question 20: The Reasons for Europeans Coming to Ghana and the Positive Impact of Their Arrival on the Gold Coast.

You can also get useful WASSCE mocks for revision here – >>>WASSCE MOCKS

READ: Answering BECE and WASSCE Summary Questions: Secrets

We challenge all WASSCE candidates who are writing the history paper to revise and solve these questions. Should you find yourself unable to answer any of these questions, it would be beneficial to double-check and scrutinize the subject matter that inspired the questions. This will improve your understanding of the topic. After this, go back and try to solve the questions all over again.

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  1. Blessing Nkrumah Avatar
    Blessing Nkrumah


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