Students who opt for the Agriculture programme effective 2024 will have to study a combination of the agricultural subjects contained in the New SHS Agriculture Programme and Subjects. The programme combines subjects from four categories.
What are the new SHS agriculture programmes and subjects?
Below is a summary of the subject groups and choices available:
Learning Area: Home Economics
Core Subjects (Group A – Mandatory for All Learners)
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- English Language
- General Science
- Physical Education and Health (PEH) – Core but not externally examined.
Agriculture Group (Group B – Mandatory Elective)
- Agriculture – Mandatory for all learners in this group.
Learners must also select one, two, or three of the following electives:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Computing
- Additional Mathematics
Additional Electives (Group C)
Learners may select one or two of the following electives:
- ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
- Art & Design Studio
- Applied Technology
- Design & Communication Technology
- Home Economics
- Performing Arts
- Business Studies
- Art & Design Foundation
- Religious and Moral Education (RME)
- Ghanaian Languages
- French
- Arabic
Humanities (Group D)
Learners may also select one of the following humanities subjects:
- Economics
- Geography
- Government
- History
- Literature in English
- Religious Studies
- Core Subjects (Group A) are mandatory for all.
- Agriculture is a mandatory elective from Group B.
- Learners must select additional electives from Groups B, C, and D, with a specific minimum and maximum number of subjects required.
- The flexibility in the curriculum allows learners to tailor their studies according to their interests and future career paths within the Home Economics learning area.
The subjects students will study in any school they are placed in will be based on the options the school chooses from the New SHS Agriculture Programme and Subjects list above.
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