BECE Result

Check your BECE HOME AND SCHOOL MOCK results here

Parents, candidates, schools, teachers and everyone can check the BECE Result Here. Results to check here include the following: BECE,BECE Home Mock, BECE School Mock, BECE Church Mock.


On this page, you can assess the Home Mock Results for your ward who sat for our home mock. Schools who took our mock and had their results uploaded onto our result portal can also check their results here.

READ: Register Your Ward For 2025 BECE Home Mocks

Grading System: 

90-100 = 1 | 80-89 = 2 | 70- 79=3 | 60-69 = 4|  55-59 = 5 | 50-54= 6 | 40-49 = 7 | 35-39 = 8|  0-34 = 9

How to Check 2024 MARCH BECE Home Mock Results Online

  1. Go To The Results Portal >>>bece-result
  2. Upon visiting the result portal, Select The Correct Exam Month. Eg. October
  3. Enter Exam Year. Eg 2024 or 2025
  4. Enter the phone number which was used as the candidate’s index number or the index number provided  by Education-News Consult. If using phone number, enter it without the starting zero. For instance, if your phone number is 055362698, your index number will be 55362698.
  5. Click on Search to see results.

Check a sample result with the details below

  1. Results Portal >>>bece-result
  2. Select Exam Month: October
  3. Select Exam Year: 2024
  4. Password: 12345
  5. Click Search
  6. See result


[resultpress classes=”January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December” years=”2024,2025,2026″]


About the BECE Home and School Mocks

  1. The BECE Home and School Mocks started in 2022 and we promise another excellent preperation to booster candidate confidence for better results.
  2. It has produced some of the best results at the BECE since 2022.
  3. Students are examined from home across the country.
  4. Our examination questions are the most preferred by schools, parents and churches for testing BECE candidates.
  5. Our Questions are always projected and possible BECE exam questions.
  6. Our questions are never leaked questions but rather questions projected and based on our own projected topics for the BECE each year.
  7. We have experienced and dedicated examiners for ensuring the best quality.
  8. Schools also access our mocks for candidates preparing for the BECE (both private and public).
  9. We provide detailed examiner’s report for each home and school mock taken.
  10. Parents and schools get the full marking schemes and the marked scripts after each mock.

Register for the next mock BECE Hoe Mocks for 2025 candidates: Register Your Ward For 2025 BECE Home Mocks